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Making music with pupils with SEMH/D: Pedagogy and practice

A whole day, in-person training event for instrumental and vocal teachers, classroom teachers and TAs working in mainstream and special schools, and Alternative Provision

uprising web logoInclusion expert Dr Phil Mullen shares approaches for effectively engage pupils who display challenging behaviour in both mainstream and specialist settings, including Social, Emotional and Mental Health settings.

What will be included?

  • Working with challenging behaviour
    Explore the reasons behind challenging behaviour, as well as techniques to prevent and respond to it, and how to get back on track with music-making
  • Structuring sessions and activities
    Build a positive, inclusive atmosphere from the moment the pupils walk through the door
  • Song-writing techniques
    Explore practical songwriting activities and games
  • Effective music technology
    Learn about iPads and digital audio workstations

About the trainer: Phil Mullen

Phil Mullen is one of the world's leading experts on musical inclusion. He is an Irish music educator and community musician based in England. Phil has worked for thirty-five years developing music with people who are socially excluded. He specializes in working with excluded children and young people at risk.

Event details

  • Friday 22 March, 9.30am–4.00pm
    Beaumanor Hall, Loughborough LE12 8TX
  • This training is supported by MEHEM and is free and open by all across the UK. it is targeted at instrumental tutors, classroom teachers and TAs working in both mainstream and special schools, and Alternative Provision
  • A hot lunch is provided
Book your place now!